At Hockley Dental Surgery, we know how valuable it is for children to have the best possible chance of maintaining a healthy mouth for their whole lives.
Tooth decay is one of the most common but easily preventable diseases. Preventing disease requires a commitment of time and effort. With the correct habits, there is no reason why a child should not go on to have healthy teeth for life. Our child dental health plan will enable accessible and affordable dental care for under-18s.
They will have visits at the optimal intervals and benefit from the best in modern dental care. They will be screened for orthodontic needs so that any assessments and treatments are planned for the best timings and outcomes. The HDS dental plan will cover children for the vast majority of dental needs and treatments (not orthodontic). They will benefit from the best advice and preventative regimes and the costs are covered within the Plan making it very cost-efficient and affordable. This is the best way to arrange Private dental care for your children.
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